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Man this has to be my favorite game! Could you make a walkthrough for this game?

Fun beam puzzle game, though. And great music as well! In each of the 6 levels of the "Walk Once" pack, do all tiles have to be lined by making a path through every one?

yes, that's correct. go over every tile once with no gaps or overlaps. also how did you find this game? i haven't touched it in like 2 years

I found it here on I even found it on CrazyGames, CoolMathGames, and Newgrounds.

is there a way i can download this? 

Hey, I played through all the levels of the game, and I want to say its really good! There was one part of Concentric Circles I found a bit difficult, but it was a good challenge! I think you can make some really great games if you stick to it!


Thanks, I will try.